Thursday, September 10, 2009


katrina has always put me before alot of things in her life. Im not sure why because no one ever asked her to or made her feel like she should. Whenever her friends wanted to hang out with her she would say she was with me and invite them over instead of going somewhere. They never minded because they always knew that katrina was hanging out with me so they ended up going to our house. One time katrina was going to the movies with her friends and she took me with her.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


One thing i really like about katrina is that when we talk we have a deep conversation and actually listen to one another. We talk about things that are going on in the world and stuff like that. she's one of the very few people i can talk to about certai things.we can just sit there for hours listening to music having our discussions


Katrina has helped me through out my whole life. When my parents were getting separated i wanted to live with my dad but everyone was pressuring me to live with my mom. Katrina looked at me and said ''Do what YOU feel like doing because if you start doing what everyone wants you to do or what they think is best for you your gonna end up getting screwed in the end. F**k what these other people think they don't know what the situation is.'' When she said that i felt so confident like i could do anything. When it came time for me to talk to the people about what i wanted to do katrina gave me one look and i said what i needed to with confidence. In the end katrina helped through the toughest decision of my life.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Controlling Impression

Katrina is the coolest older sister anyone could have. Ever since i was little she would always take care of me because she wanted to not because she had to. As i got older i started picking up her habits from the way she talked to the way she made facial expressions. Whenever i needed to talk about something i didnt want to tell my parents or my other sister i knew i could talk to her and she wouldnt tell any one the things i said. there were so many times i needed advice or help and she would always be there no matter what.